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Computing Eigenvalues Out-of-Core

Written Mon, October 25, 2021.

In an earlier post, I discussed how you can compute SVD (and spectral decomposition) via Lanczos Iteration. Several times in that post, I mentioned that the method lends itself well to out-of-core data — that is, data stored on disk rather than in memory. But I never bothered to actually go into any details. Recently I had the need for an out-of-core eigensolver, and I have implemented it in this R package. But I would like to describe the details, because assuming you understand the Lanczos part from the earlier article, then this really isn’t too complicated.

I would say that the hard part is working out-of-core. There are many choices for something like this. You can go with some kind of data standard like HDF5 (which is what I did), “roll your own” with something like fwrite(), or split the difference with some kind of binary xml monstrosity. I’m not an I/O specialist so I went the route I felt was easiest, even if it cost me some performance. It’s also worth mentioning that I sort of feel like once you make the compromise of working out-of-core that being overly concerned with performance is a bit silly. If you have a giant dataset and performance matters, assuming you’re working in open science, you should get access to a compute cluster. There are tons of free resources available.

For each Lanczos iteration $i$ from $1, \dots, k$ do:

  1. Compute $v$ scalar by scalar, iterating over the rows $j$ of $A$, with $j = 1, \dots, n$
    1. Read row $j$ of $A$, denoted $A_j$
    2. Denote the $i$'th column of $Q$ by $Q^T_i$
    3. Compute the $j$'th element of $v$ (a scalar) as the dot product $v_j = A_j \cdot Q^T_i$
  2. Proceed as before calculating $alpha$, $v$ updates, etc.

Some of the formalism obscures how easy this really is. Here it makes the most sense to store $Q$ in column-major storage and $A$ on disk in row-major format. Then you just have to shift your $Q$ array by $n\times i \times \texttt{sizeof}(Q)$ bytes.

Of course, you don’t necessarily have to read rows. You can read whatever blocks you want that your out-of-core storage supports. The bigger the read, the more data you can operate on at a time, which will probably improve the run-time performance. I chose rows because it’s easy to understand and implement. See also the above caveats about working out-of-core.

With an R-like pseudo-code, it might look something like this:

# allocate/initialize alpha, beta, q as before
# ...
for (i in 1:k)
  for (j in 1:n)
    A_j = read_row(row_offset=j)
    v[j] = A_j %*% q[, i]
  # continue as before

I have implemented this and a few other operations useful for computing shrink correlation in the aforementioned hdfmat package. My primary motivation was to make it easy to compute the eigenvalues of large shrink correlation matrices out-of-core, which actually dovetails with another earlier post.

The hdfmat package uses HDF5 as the on-disk matrix container. As with basically anything, there are some tradeoffs here. HDF5 is a standard in HPC, so I was already familiar with it. If performance is critical, you could probably do better. But this really is the hill I will die on: if performance is so critical, then why are you working out-of-core in the first place?

Here’s a little benchmark of the package. I used 8 cores of an 8-core AMD processor, and the disk is some garbage SSD that will probably die in 6 months. OpenBLAS is doing most of the hard work. The benchmark computes the crossproduct matrix of a “large”-ish matrix and then computes various numbers of estimates of the eigenvalues. These are basically the bottlenecks for the shrink correlation thing I mentioned earlier.


f = tempfile()
name = "mydata"
type = "float"

m = 1000
n = 100000

  x = matrix(rnorm(m*n), m, n)
##    user  system elapsed 
##   4.245   0.294   4.539 

  h = hdfmat::hdfmat(f, name, n, n, type)
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.003   0.007   0.011 

##      user    system   elapsed 
## 25721.003  1227.089  3375.184 

##    user  system elapsed 
## 196.455  21.059  27.211 

##     user   system  elapsed 
## 6149.752  641.622  849.200 

##      user    system   elapsed 
## 61362.140  6363.350  8468.052 

When I check the resulting file with du -h, I see:

38G	rdata.h5

Which is reasonable given the size to store it in-memory is pretty close to that:

memuse::howbig(n, n, prefix="SI")/2
## 40.000 GB

Amusingly, I have enough memory to store that matrix on this workstation, but not enough to store it and compute the eigenvalues with a call to something like eigen():

## Totalram:  62.814 GiB 
## Freeram:   50.744 GiB 

That’s because eigen() will make a copy of the matrix, and I only have enough room for one on this workstation. However, I can actually compute this using fmlr:


m = 1000
n = 100000

  x = cpumat(m, n, type="float")
##  user  system elapsed 
## 1.519   0.045   1.565 

  cp = linalg_crossprod(1, x)
##    user  system elapsed 
## 212.216  10.629  36.144 

  ev = cpuvec(type="float")
  linalg_eigen_sym(x, ev)
##   user  system elapsed 
## 40.442   9.524   6.720

Which is just a bit faster.

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